Thursday, August 27, 2020
American Independence essays
American Independence expositions There has been a great deal of things that prompted American Independence. Numerous things were finished by both the states and Great Britain that all developed to the Declaration of Independance and the Revolution. Financial aspects, religion, society, and government all had parts in the American Independence. Financial matters was a major issue with the pilgrims. The King of Britain gave numerous uncalled for charges on them. He burdened tea, stamps, and different things. The cash from the charges went into the King's pocket and he additionally utilized it to pay for the military, which is unjustifiable in light of the fact that a free people shouldn't need to pay for the British military in light of the fact that the King needs to compel the military on the pioneers. The pilgrims had no way out in whether they recieved help from the British military. England helped them and made them pay for it. Today, charges pay for the prosperity of the nation. It reserves the legislature and the military, which secures America's government assistance. Religion was a central explanation the pioneers came to America in any case. In Britain, they had no way out in religion, so they came to America where they are allowed to rehearse any religion they need. Despite the fact that Britain permitted them to come to America, it despite everything attempted to keep up practically unlimited authority over the provinces. The pilgrims appreciated numerous new opportunities in the American settlements, however Britain would not slacken it's hold on them. England wouldn't let them grow their provinces West of the Appalachian Mountains, and it forced numerous unjustifiable laws and follows up on the states. Inevitably, the vast majority of the homesteaders got tired of Britains injustice. A few pioneers, then again, prefered the existence that Britain offered them: no opporitunity, however positive cash. The individuals who contradicted Britain composed articles like Common Sense, to convince different settlers to revolt. Before long, Thomas Jefferson made the Declaration out of Independence and sent it to Britain. Today, America is a social... <!
Saturday, August 22, 2020
King Lear Essays (1107 words) - King Lear, Goneril, Regan, Cordelia
Lord Lear Lord lear Assignment English OAC Shakespeare's catastrophe King Lear is a point by point depiction of the results of limited's choices. This imaginary man is Lear, King of England, who's choices significantly adjust his life and the lives of people around him. As Lear bears the status of King he is, as one anticipates, a man of incredible force yet corruptly he gives up the entirety of this capacity to his little girls as a prize for their show of affection towards him. This troublesome surrender of his seat brings about a chain response of occasions that send him through an excursion of hellfire. Ruler Lear is a figurative depiction of one man's excursion through some serious hardship so as to appease his transgression. As the play opens one can very quickly observe that Lear starts to commit errors that will in the long run bring about his defeat. The absolute first words that he expresses in the play are :- ...Give me the guide there. Realize that we have isolated In three our realm, and 'tis our quick goal To shake all considerations and business from our age, Presenting them on more youthful qualities while we Unburdened slither to death... (Act I, Sc I, Ln 38-41) This gives the peruser the primary sign of Lear's goal to resign his seat. He goes on further to offer bits of his realm to his little girls as a type of remuneration to his trial of affection. Extraordinary adversaries in our most youthful little girl's adoration, Long in our court have made their passionate visit, What's more, here are to be replied. Let me know, my girls (Since now we will strip us both of rule, Enthusiasm of region, cares of state), Which of you will we say doth love us most? That we our biggest abundance may broaden where nature doth with merit challenge. (Act I, Sc I, Ln 47-53) This is the first and generally noteworthy of the numerous transgressions that he makes in this play. By resigning his seat to fuel his sense of self he is upsets the extraordinary chain of being which expresses that the King must not challenge the position that God has given him. This subverting of God's position brings about disorder that destroys Lear's reality. Leaving him, at long last, with nothing. Following this Lear starts to exile everyone around him that really care for him as at this stage he can't see past the cover that the malice wear. He ousts Kent, a dedicated hireling to Lear, and his most youthful what's more, beforehand most adored little girl Cordelia. This outcomes in Lear encircle himself with individuals who just wish to utilize him which leaves him truly helpless assault. This is correctly what occurs what's more, it is through this that he finds his wrongs and revises them. Following the submitting of his wrongdoings, Lear gets surrendered what's more, alienated from his realm which makes him free madness. While lost in his sorrow and self indulgence the idiot is acquainted with manage Lear back to the rational world and to help discover the lear that was ounce lost behind a hundred Knights yet now is out in the open what's more, terrified like a little kid. The way that Lear has now been pushed out from behind his Knights is drastically spoken to by him really being out on the gardens of his stronghold. The unnerved little kid that is currently unsheltered is significantly depicted by Lear's unexpected craziness and his fierceness and outrage is seen through the booming climate that is being experienced. The entirety of this adds to the enduring of Lear because of the gross sins that he has submitted. The apex of this hellfire that is experienced be Lear all together to reimburse his wrongdoings is toward the finish of the play when Cordelia is murdered. Lear says this before he himself kicks the bucket as he can't live without his little girl. Cry, yell, wail! O, you are men of stones. Had I your tongues and eyes, I'd use them so That paradise's vault should break. She's gone for ever! I know when one is dead, and when one lives. She's dead as earth. Loan me a mirror. On the off chance that that her breath will fog or stain the stone, Why, at that point she lives. (Act V, Sc iii, Ln 306-312) The entirety of this torment Lear endured is followed back to the single most significant mistake that he made. The decision to surrender his seat. This one sin has demonstrated to have monstrous repercussions upon Lear and the lives of everyone around him in the long run murdering practically those who were included. What's more, one is left to inquire one's self on the off chance that a solitary wrong turn can do this to Lear, at that point what troublesome corner lies ahead
Friday, August 21, 2020
How to Learn How to Write an Essay? Step by Step Directions
How to Learn How to Write an Essay? Step by Step DirectionsIn the current world, knowing what to do and how to do it are two extremely important skills that every student should know in order to write a good essay. Most students will fail to complete their papers because they will not take the time to follow these steps to writing an essay. Here are the things you need to know about this crucial step in writing a paper.The first thing that you need to do is ask yourself a key question. What's the purpose of your paper? Is it a review of a previous year's class? Is it for college entrance exam? Or is it just to help you achieve some goal or as a personal statement?Once you have decided on the purpose of your essay, you need to decide how long it will be. Usually an essay consists of five chapters and a conclusion. Therefore, it will help if you will first think of a title that has three to four words and then compose an outline. This will help you organize the information that you hav e gathered for the essay.Once you have created the outline, the next thing that you need to do is create a rough draft. This will help you prevent skipping parts of the work. You can then take the rough draft to the school adviser or the tutor. He or she will give you suggestions on how to improve the project.You should then go back to the outline and add sentences for each paragraph. You can refer to your outline so that you can read it again. This will ensure that you have all the information that you need. In the end, you can publish the outline and proceed to the next steps to writing an essay.The last thing that you should do is create the body of the paper. You will need to use a suitable template in order to draw a proper and clear outline for the body of the paper. Since the outline will serve as a guide, the only thing that you need to do is to create the rest of the paper.The next thing that you should do is to write the central point and the major topics of the paper. It is very important to mention the main points because this will lead to the completion of the paper.Finally, you will need to write the conclusion and the final section. In this final section, you will need to summarize the main points and the main ideas. This will help you ensure that the essay is well written and able to impress your professor.
Monday, May 25, 2020
5 Ways to Use Rest and Reflection to Make Learning Stick
Memory is sticky. Rest is good for learning. These are two of the most recent findings about learning from the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (October 2014) by Margaret Schlichting, a graduate student researcher, and Alison Preston, an associate professor of psychology and neuroscience. The study Memory Reactivation during Rest Supports Upcoming Learning of Related Content describes how the researchers gave participants given two learning tasks that required them to memorize different series of associated photo pairs. Between the tasks, participants could rest for several minutes and could think about anything they chose. Brain scans on participants who used that time to reflect on what they had learned earlier in the day did better on tests later. These participants also performed better with additional  information, even if the overlap pertaining to what they learned later was small. Weve shown for the first time that how the brain processes information during rest can improve future learning, said Preston, explaining that letting the brain wander to previous experiences helped solidify new learning. So how might educators use the information from this study? Educators who provide students the time to develop a secure grasp of content through rest and reflection give student brains an opportunity to increase synaptic transmission along the neural pathways that are tasked with a particular form of learning. Rest and reflection makes those transmissions connect to other background knowledge, and those connections become stronger, which means learning is more likely to stick. For teachers wanting to take advantage of these findings in how brains work,  there are several different strategies to try that allow for reflections when new content is introduced: 1.Think-jot-pair-share: Give students several minutes to think about new learning beginning with the simplest question, â€Å"What do I already know about this new content and how can that help me better understand?†This is the â€Å"rest†period, so give students time to think first without writing.Give students time to reflect and jot down their responses  (doodle, map, outline, notes). This is the reflection period.Have students pair or group and share their responses with each other.Have each pair or group share out what they already know and how this knowledge might help them. 2. Reflective journaling: Reflective journaling is a practice where students are provided time to think deeply and write about a learning experience. This involves the student writing about: What happened (positive and negative);Why it happened, what it means, how successful it was;What the student (personally) learned from the experience. 3. Mindmapping: Give students time to think (rest period) as they use the powerful cognitive strategy that combines graphics and  spatial awareness have students start in the center of a piece of paper and use a central image that is connected to new learningHave students branch out in lines and add additional images that are related to the central imageMake the lines curved and encourage the use of color to make the mind map Limit the number of words to one per line 4. Exit Slip This strategy requires students reflect on what they have learned and express what or how they are thinking about the new information by answering a  prompt given by the teacher. Providing time for students to think first,this strategy is an easy way to incorporate writing into many different content areas.  Examples of exit slip prompts: The most important thing I learned today was†¦Summarizing what I learned in 20 words:I need help with†¦I would like to learn about†¦My  understanding of today’s topic from 1-10 is a ___ because,..... 5. The 3,2,1,bridge This routine can be introduced by having students do an initial 3, 2, 1 set of reflections individually on paper.  Before new content is introduced, students are asked to write down 3 thoughts, 2 questions, and 1 compare or contrast statement on a topic that will be taught;After the topic is introduced, students complete another 3,2,1 3 thoughts, 2 questions, and 1 compare/contrast statement or analogy; Students then share both their initial and new thinking and draw a bridge between the before new learning and after new learning. The share the bridge with other students. Whatever strategy is selected, educators that provide time for rest and reflection when new content is introduced are educators that allow students to use their prior knowledge or memories to make new learning stick. Spending the time for reflection with any of these strategies when new material is introduced will mean that students will need less time for reteaching later.
Friday, May 15, 2020
How to Bend and Draw Glass Tubing
Bending and drawing glass tubing is a handy skill for managing laboratory glassware. Here is how to do it. Note About Glass There are two main types of glass using in a lab: flint glass and borosilicate glass. Borosilicate glass may carry a label (e.g., Pyrex). Flint glass typically is not labeled. You can bend and draw flint glass using just about any flame. Borosilicate glass, on the other hand, requires higher heat in order to soften so that you can manipulate it. If you have flint glass, try to use an alcohol burner, since too high of heat may cause your glass to melt too quickly to work it. If you have borosilicate glass, youll need a gas flame in order to work the glass. The glass wont bend or else will be very hard to bend in an alcohol flame. Bending Glass Tubing Hold the tubing horizontally in the hottest part of the flame. This is the blue part of a gas flame or just above the top of the inner cone of an alcohol flame. Your goal is to heat the section of glass you want to bend, plus about a centimeter on either side of this point. A flame spreader is helpful for a gas flame, but not absolutely necessary.Rotate the tubing to make certain it is heated evenly.​​As you heat and rotate the tubing, apply gentle and continuous pressure where you want it bent. Once you feel the glass start to yield, release the pressure.Heat the tubing a few seconds longer. It starts to bend under its own weight, you have overheated it!Remove the tubing from the heat and allow it to cool a couple of seconds.In a single motion, bend the slightly cooled glass to the desired angle. Hold it in that position until it hardens.Set the glass on a heat-resistant surface to allow it to completely cool. Do not set it on a cold, un-insulated surface, such as a st one lab bench, since this likely will cause it to crack or break! An oven mitt or hot pad works great. Drawing Glass Tubing Heat the tubing as if you were going to bend it. Place the section of glass to be drawn in the hottest part of the flame and rotate the glass to heat it evenly.Once the glass becomes pliable, remove it from heat and pull the two ends straight away from each other until the tubing reaches the desired thickness. One trick to avoid getting a bow or curve in the glass is to let gravity help you out. Hold the glass tubing vertical to draw it, either pulling up on it or else letting gravity pull it down for you.Allow the tubing to cool, then cut it and fire polish the sharp edges. Among other uses, this is a handy technique for making your own pipettes, especially if you find the ones you have on hand are either too big or too small to deliver the desired volume. Troubleshooting Here are some causes and fixes for common problems: Glass Wont Get Soft - This happens if the flame temperature is too low to heat the glass. The solution is to use a hotter fuel, such as gas.Glass Gets Too Soft, Too Fast - This is caused by using too high of heat. Back off on the length of time you put the glass in the heat, hold it further from the hottest part of the flame, or use a fuel source that burns with a cooler flame.Glass Has Bumps or Crimps - This can happen by bending the glass more than once or by letting it get too soft so that its weight starts to pull it down. The solution to this problem is experience and practice since there is a certain amount of art to knowing when to remove the glass from the flame to bend it or pull it. Just know that once you decide to bend/pull, its a one-time deal. If it doesnt work, its unlikely you can reheat the glass and get a better outcome.Glass Tubing Seals - If the inside of the tube seals, its because the glass got too hot. If you are bending the glass, remove it from the heat soone r. If you are pulling glass, let it cool a bit more before drawing it. Note that you may wish to purposely seal the glass. If you do, just heat the tubing in the flame, rotating it, until it seals shut.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Is561 Week 2 Solution Essay - 1181 Words
Key IS561 – Week 2 iLab STEP 1: Working with Dictionary-Managed and Oracle-Managed Files (10 points) Scenario: As the DBA for your company, you have decided to install a new version of the Oracle Enterprise database to replace the current database version being used. The old database has become a constant headache and seems to be causing an overload on the disk drives I/O channels. Further analysis has also shown that two primary large tables are the main points of access. These tables are CUST_REC and ACCT_RECV tables. You also have a new server with three large-capacity disk drives: F, G, and H. Briefly, provide the following information. * Describe how you plan to rectify the I/O problem with the new Oracle10g†¦show more content†¦3. Parameters cannot have spaces in their name. All multi-word parameter names should contain underscores - 5 modifications ( db_block_size, db_domain, remote_login_passwordfile, db_name, instance_name ). 4. Altered the size of the db_block_size to be the standard 8K. 4K may be valid but the database would run more efficiently using 8K block s, which is the typical block size. 5. Added second control file to control_files entry. There should be a mimimum of two files. Ideally these files should be multiplexed over physically separated disk volumes to insure database recovery should a catastrophic event occur. 6. The parameter assignment â€Å"maxinstances = 2†was removed. The â€Å"maxinstances†parameter is valid in the CREATE DATABASE command but it doesn’t seem to be stored in the init.ora file. 7. The format of the Oracle version [number] in the compatible statement was adjusted. The number should consist of the 5 numerical components of a valid version of Oracle. I set this to but ideally this should be set to the most recent version of Oracle thats installed, e.g. if Oracle 10g is the latest installed version. 8. The db_name was minimized to just the database name. The full path, as listed, is really the db_unique_name which is used for making a globally unique nam e to a network of distributed database servers. 9. Quotation marks removed from db_domain value. (I don’t believe
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
EARTHQUAKE Essay Example For Students
EARTHQUAKE Essay Eartquake has lived many country. Many peoplehave died this eatquake. The most important example, 17August in 1999 Turkey earthquake. The most effective ?stanbul,Avc?lar and Yalova in Turkey. What does improve thiseathquake before and after?What is the event about earthquake now?TURKEY AND EARTHQUAKEAfter earthquake 17 August was noth?ng old the same stilpeople have continued bitter.We have to live withearthquake.The l?fe and propecty lost to become 17 August and12 September ?n earthquake.It was Earthquake has been to knowevent a naturel people arent interested, ignorant reason changein fact a disaster. Other civilized countries take precautions. They haveknown very good a fact. They know healtier, than other people. Therefore A buildings very good are built by they along years. Turkey hasnt improvied. Eartquakes reason peopels make toearn more much for inadequate and not lasting buildings. Wecontrol to live our circumference new buildings. We readinessnew an earthquake. People Havent Turned Back Old Way Of Life After Many People Have BeenDisaster ?n The LifeTurkey lived disaster centurys in 17 August 1999. Earthquake pulled down night at 03.02 45 second 7.4 violencein Marmara. Later from earthquake;STRONG BU?LD?NGSStrong buildings first argue life world bank and ministryof public works was made buildings different between in reason. World Banks buildings small cause eartguake victim, reaction. Some company stopped construction because ; There waseconomic attack in Turkey. Peoplebuildings take delivery to be faced any withdeficient. PEOPLE HELP POSITIONThe unemployment increase, the company closed inTurkey. People begin to live unsuitable buildings.Turkishengineers collected inside and outside help 10 milliard dollars,but Yalova was given 1,5 milliard dollars by government. NOTH?NG ?SNT CHANGEEarthquake victim work percent 42.3 in 100 milliondoolars in marmara. Other result in research; The familys have at home measure percent 47 The familys tenant measure percent 42.2 The familys lodging measure percent 7.7 The familys apatman measure percent 61.7 The familys hause measure percent 29.7The investmen share got less budgets government. Healty,education, social, security etc. Restricted to do this departmentfor government. Earthquake people lived big problem. Thisproblem didnt give in buildings people. However self-criticism make Augusts anniversary thisgeography should make suitable building. We are honestopposite yourself, Therefore we become to protect our future.
Sunday, April 12, 2020
Describe the teachings about abortion and the sanctity of life, which are found in the Bible Essay Example
Describe the teachings about abortion and the sanctity of life, which are found in the Bible Essay An abortion is a premature expulsion of the foetus from the womb. It may be natural (miscarriage) or induced. Abortion causes many problems for Christians. It raises a number of issues and poses many questions: When exactly does life begin? Is one life more important then the other? Who should decide? We will write a custom essay sample on Describe the teachings about abortion and the sanctity of life, which are found in the Bible specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Describe the teachings about abortion and the sanctity of life, which are found in the Bible specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Describe the teachings about abortion and the sanctity of life, which are found in the Bible specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Abortion is highly emotive because it is literally a life or death decision. I dont have a very strong opinion on this topic because there are a lot of factors to be considered and it should not be a decision taken lightly. I think it is wrong to make a mother keep her baby if it is going to be severally handicapped or if the mother has been raped. I think that if the mother went along with the birth of a baby which was clearly a mistake, because she was raped, then that baby would be a constant reminder in her life of the disturbing event. I dont think the mother should be able to have an abortion whenever she wants for any reason, because the foetus shouldnt have to suffer because the parents made a mistake. I would therefore put myself under the same set of believes as a person from the Protestant Church. Different churches have different points of views on this topic. The Anglican Church believes that the life of the foetus must be protected but if the foetus endangers the life of the mother, action can be taken. The Protestant church believes that abortion is allowable in 3 circumstances: * The life of the mother is in danger, * The baby will be born with a severe handicap, * Other children will suffer badly if a new baby arrives. The Catholic Church is totally against abortion in any circumstances. The majority of Catholics believe that it is Gods will that they exist and that God intends for all babies to be born. Therefore if God is responsible for all human life than only God should have the right to take a life away. They look to the Bible to support this view although the word abortion never appears. Most of the passages Catholics quote in support of their beliefs describe God as the Creator. In Genesis 1.v26-27 (Old Testament) it is written God created man in his own image. This has been interpreted to mean that to give and take a life is Gods right alone. Also in Genesis 2.v7 (Old Testament) the verse the Lord God breathed into his nostrils the breathe of life and the man became a human being has been taken by some Christians to mean the same thing, that only God can give and take life under natural circumstances. When God created man, he made him in the likeness of God. He created them male and female and blessed them. This quote comes from Genesis 5v1+2 and Christians believe it has the same meaning as the other two quotes from Genesis. The following passages could be classed as Basic Commands, which Christians should be able to follow without having any problems or troubles. In Exodus 20v13 (Old Testament) You shall not kill is used support the view that to take an unborn life is to kill. In I Corinthians 3v16+17 Dont you know that you yourselves are Gods temple and that Gods spirit lives in you? If anyone destroys Gods temple God will destroy him, for Gods temple is sacred and you are that temple. This has been taken by Christians to mean that you must respect your body because it is God. Both these quotes are used by people who are against abortion. There are a lot of passages in the Bible, which are saying that there is life before birth. Naked I came from my mothers womb and naked I shall depart Christians have taken this to mean that there is life before birth, and therefore is against abortion. You created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mothers womb this quote is implying that there is a bond between mother and unborn child and unborn child is a life. There is one passage in the Bible, in Luke 12 v 6, which stands alone. Are not 5 sparrows sold for 2 pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. It is argued to be against abortion and many Christians take it to mean all individuals count even the smallest, even the handicapped. In Matthew 18 v 12-13 If a man have an hundred sheep, and one of them be gone astray, he would leave the ninety nine and go into the mountains and look for it, when he finds the astray sheep he will rejoice more over that sheep than the other ninety nine which didnt go astray. Christians take this to mean that every single person has a place in this earth and nobody will be forgotten. In Jeremiah 1 v 4-5 it is quoted before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations. This quote has been taken by Christians to mean that before the baby was formed in the body, God already knew it and before the baby came out of the womb, it had already been blessed and God made sure it was a prophet to the nations. Therefore this quote is against abortion because it is implying that the baby has already been blessed by God and is already a person. When people are considering this topic, they may refer to the Bible as a source of reassurance to their beliefs because it has teaching from God. But there are sections which can be take to support abortion too. All Christians look at the Bible for reassurance, different denominations look at different parts depending on their beliefs and interpret quotes in different ways. Christians believe that the following quotes are for abortion. In Exodus 21v22 (Old Testament) it is written If men who are fighting hit a pregnant women and she gives birth prematurely but there is no serious injury, the offender must be fined whatever the womens quote husband demands and the court allows. Christians believe this quote suggests that only because a fine is commanded the foetus is not as important as mothers life but still seen as valuable. Another quote from the bible, which is for abortion, is When Elizabeth heard Marys greeting, the baby leaped in her womb this quote has been interpreted by Christians to believe the unborn child is alive. In Matthew 9v36 comes the quote When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless like sheep without a shepherd teaches Christians to show compassion towards mother and her decision. Most Catholics disagree with abortion in any circumstance. So all of the following quotes, which came from the Catholic Church, are against abortion. Cardinal Basil Hume said As a human being, there is surely a deep revulsion in most of us the destruction of any human life in any form, including the womb Catholics have taken this to mean that abortion is a destruction of a human life. In 1930 Pope Pirus XII stated that a Foetus has the same rights as its mother which Catholics have taken it to mean that neither the mother nor foetus is more important than the other and that should not be an argument for an abortion. The Catholic Truth Society claimed We have been created by Almighty God in his own image and likeness. No pregnancy is unplanned, because no baby can be conceived unless Almighty God intends that conception Catholics have taken this to mean God plans every conception. The Declaration on Procured Abortion stated From the time the ovum is fertilized a new life is begun which is neither that of the mother nor father and has been interpreted by Catholics to mean a child is a life from fertilization. Also in 1974, The Declaration on Procured Abortion stated every man and women with feeling, and certainly every Christian, must be ready to do what he can to remedy them which Catholics have taken to mean Womens rights are OK but not when it denies another person the right to live. Life must be protected with the utmost care from the moment of conception was stated by Humanae Vitae in 1968 and Catholics have taken to mean life begins at conception. The Church Of England looks at abortion from a different perspective and believes that it is acceptable to have an abortion under some circumstances. The following quotes from the Church Of England could be seen to support abortion at certain times. The Church Of England Report in 1984 stated the life of the foetus is not absolutely sacrosanct if it endangers the life of its mother. The Church Of England has interpreted this to mean the life of the foetus is important but not as important as the mothers because if the mothers life was lost it would affect more people than if the foetus life was lost. Abortion is generally undesirable but that it may be acceptable in some circumstances was stated by Christians For Free Choice and although the quote doesnt state the circumstances in which it is acceptable, it clarifies that each situation has to be looked at and treated individually. The following quote states the 3 circumstances in which The Church Of England thinks abortion is acceptable. While abortion should not be accepted certainly not as a method of birth control it may be permitted in certain cases: 1. If there is a serious risk to the mothers life 2. If conception takes place as a result of rape 3. If there is a grave risk that the baby will be born handicapped The Church Of England has taken this to mean that there are 3 cases when abortion is acceptable and to withhold compassion is evil but abortion should not be used as a method of contraception. The main comparison between the different churches beliefs is that the Catholic Church think abortion is wrong in any circumstances and The Church Of England has 3 circumstances in which they think abortion is acceptable but otherwise they agree with each other, accepting that it really is an undesirable response to a difficult situation.
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
What are the Principles of human behaviour The WritePass Journal
What are the Principles of human behaviour Task 1 What are the Principles of human behaviour Task 1Principles of human behaviour:Leadership and human behaviour preferences:Preferred learning styles:Principles of Human communications:Task 2Resource management:Task 3Task 4:Task 5:Bibliography:Related Task 1 Principles of human behaviour: Human behaviour can be identified as the result of attempts to satisfy certain needs. These needs can be simple and easy to understand such as the need of food, water and shelter. However it can also be complex such as the need of respect or acceptance. Leadership and human behaviour work hand in hand. To  be  a  successful  leader,  you  must  understand  your people and work with  them  to  resolve  their  problems. In Nairobi the school of tomorrow the basic needs of any student is a good environment, shelter and the basic needs such as water and food. As the human behaviour changes according to the environment Nairobi school of tomorrow has to make sure that the environment in each class and in the school is positive. By examining human behavior, we can expand the knowledge we need to better understand people. Human behaviour study helps us understand why people act and react in certain ways. ( Leadership and human behaviour preferences: As a leader in order to accomplish your goals, you need to interact with your followers, peers, seniors, and others; whose support your needs to accomplish the goals. To gain their support, you must be able to understand and motivate them. Human nature is the common qualities of all human beings. People behave according to certain principles of human nature. Values, beliefs, and customs differ from country to country and even within group to group, but in general, all people have a few basic needs. As a leader you must understand these needs because they can be powerful motivators. (Milliken Elizabeth. M, Honeycutt A (2004) Maslows Hierarchy of Needs Basic Needs: are physiological, such as food, water, and sleep; and psychological, such as affection, security, and self-esteem. Metaneeds: These include justice, goodness, beauty, order, unity, etc. Basic needs normally take priority over these Meta needs. A need higher in the hierarchy will become a motive of behaviour as long as the needs below it have been satisfied. Unsatisfied lower needs will dominate unsatisfied higher needs and must be satisfied before the person can climb up the hierarchy. So in order to be successful leaders in Nairobi school of tomorrow leaders have to fulfil the basic needs which are physiological needs, safety and belonging. Once these needs are met the behaviour of students will change in the school and the classes which will produce more positive results. They will meet their own goals and targets and the students would also feel part of the school. Preferred learning styles: Learning is defines as a relatively permanent change in an attitude or behaviour that occurs as a result of repeated experience. (Kimble and Grambzy, 1963) Institutes of education always seek to improve their educational initiatives more effective. Nairobi school of tomorrow are working hard to provide more effective and efficient services. Teaching serves as an important tool for achieving institutional goals and objectives, therefore to make the learning more effective teachers have to understand their students. Some students are left brained and some are right brained so the teacher has to use the technique which would be easy to understand for different kind of students. (Sims. R Ronald, Sims. J Serbrenia (1995)) Team roles (belbin theory): According to belbin theory of team roles a good team must have a leader who can be; Coordinator: The co-ordinator is a person-oriented leader. This leader trusts the team, accepting, dominant and is dedicated to team goals and objectives. The co-ordinator is a positive thinker who supports goal accomplishment, struggle and effort. Shaper: shaper is a task-focused leader who thrives in nervous energy and who has a high motivation to accomplish goals and for whom winning is the name of the game. Plant: The plant is a specialist idea maker characterised by high IQ and quietness while also being leading and original. The plant tends to take fundamental approaches to team performance and problems Resource investigator: The resource investigator is someone who searches opportunities and extends contacts. Resource investigators are good mediators who explore others for information and support and pick up other’s ideas and develop them. Company/worker implementer: Implementers are responsive of exterior responsibilities and are well-organized, careful and have a good self-image. They have a tendency to be tough-minded and practical, trusting and liberal, respecting established traditions. This kind of leaders doesn’t get anxious and tend to work for the team in a practical. Monitor evaluator: is a sensible, careful and intelligent person with a low need to achieve. Monitor evaluators add particularly at times of vital decision making because they are skilled to evaluate competing proposals. Team worker: Team workers make helpful interference to prevent potential resistance and enable the difficult characters of the team to use their skills to positive ends. They have a propensity to keep team spirit up and allow other members to add effectively to the team. Specialist: The specialist supplies knowledge and mechanical skills which are not common within the team. They are often highly reserved and concerned and tend to be self-starting, devoted and committed. Completer/Finisher: the completer or the finishers’ strength lies in perfectionism, attention to the details of the task and meeting the deadlines.(West, M 1994) Principles of Human communications: Communication is basic human interaction. It is a process and it is dynamic, ongoing and ever changing. It may not have a beginning or an end. Communication can be divided into two categories. Interpersonal communication is between people and intrapersonal communication is your own self dialog. Communication is very important for Nairobi school of tomorrow because the feedback from the client is just as important as whatever the facilitator says or does. What the client says and what the client is showing by the way they look and act will give Nairobi school of tomorrow an idea of the results they get from the services they provide. The way the school communicated with its contractors would affect the overall performance of the company. What message do they give to their clients and how they respond to the feedback given? What method do they use to communicate with their clients and contractors? For example presentation, demonstration,   discussion or tutorial to get the message across. Language plays an important role in the way we perceive the world and it also effects the way people behave around each other. It does not jus label and distinguish the environment for us but also structures and guides out thinking patterns. It influences our relationship with others and with the environment. To ensure that the communication flow is not disturbed between administration and clients or administration and contractors the school has decided that simple language would be used throughout the whole project so everyone can understand. Use of jargons would be avoided. Task 2 Resource management: Effective resource management is mostly about foreseeing problems and working on solutions to make the resources of the organization more effective. Resources can be regarded as consumable and non consumable. Consumable resources is as it goes into task such as money, concert, engine days and paint all are considered to be consumable resources. Non consumable resources can be used over and over again. Once you are done working on a task you can carry on working on something else. An Effective resource management includes Resource allocation: The first key to effective resource allocation for a school is in understanding the system of incentives that guides in spending of schools and colleges. The incentives are based partly on intrinsic value and partly on instrumental ones. For e.g. programs with strong market demand (for examples from students, research sponsors) however low intrinsic value serves instrumentally cross subsidize programs with high intrinsic value but low financial potential. A good resource allocation would allow Nairobi school of tomorrow to achieve a proper balance between its intrinsic values and those of the market place. Nairobi school of tomorrow has chosen outsourcing in resource management as their important part of resource allocation. Outsourcing is contracting with another company or person to do a particular function.  In this case Nairobi school of tomorrow has picked another company to provide the school with lunch. (Massy F. William (2004) Time management: Time management can be defined as the art of arranging, organizing, scheduling and budgeting ones time for the purpose of generating more effective work and productivity. To manage their time effectively Nairobi school of tomorrow administration must fulfil some requirements which are; The administration needs to have clear objectives. If the administration does not know what they are trying to achieve then they will fail in resource allocation. The administration needs to have careful forward planning. If the wrong step it would lead them to failure. Administration needs to have the ability to delegate successfully and the work should be flexible. To manage the time effectively the administration has come up with a strategy. First of all Nairobi school of tomorrow has to identify the things which needs prioritisation such as the quality of teaching, classrooms, lunch and other facilities for e.g. school library. After identifying the priorities they will break down each task in to subtasks because it will put work into more logical sequence. It would also determine the skills needed and it would allow communication of work to be done. It would ensure that all work sequences are identified and understood. After task breakdown the next step would be scheduling.[1] Scheduling is the process by which Nairobi school of tomorrow can look at the time available to them and plan on how to use it to achieve the goals of the administration which were identified in the early stage. A good scheduling technique designed by Nairobi school of tomorrow is to assemble the project schedule by listing all the tasks that need to be completed in order. Assign length to each task and then distribute the required resources, after the distribution the administration would Verify predecessors i.e. what tasks must be completed before and the tasks that cant start until after.( F. John Reh. (2011). Project Management 101 Part 2: Managing Resources People, Equipment, and Material) Six Sigma:  is a business management strategy originally developed by Motorola, USA in 1986. It is still widely used in many parts of the industry, even though its use is not without disagreement. Six Sigma looks for improvement in the quality of process production. It improves the production by identifying and removing the causes of deficiency and minimizing unpredictability in manufacturing and business processes. Six sigma uses a set of quality management methods which includes statistical methods, and creates a particular communications of people within the organization. (Tennant, Geoff (2001) Task 3 In project management there are two types or resources. First resources are skill types and the second type is the worker time units. Here we are dealing with the effort that a skill type can put into the task over a giver period of time.  There are a few stages involved in resource management. The stages are as follows; Resource definition i.e. deciding what resources you are going to deal with Resource allocation i.e. believing that the particular task will need so many traders people and as much material to get finished. Resource aggregation i.e. simply the outline of the resources required to complete all activities based on the resource allocation carried out in the previous stage. Resource smoothing is the process that resolves a resource requirement that is smooth and where peaks and low points are eliminated. After the resources are managed properly Nairobi school of tomorrow has to make sure that they manage there subcontractors. Subcontracts are individuals or businesses that sign contracts to perform some parts of the business. In this case Nairobi school of tomorrow has a subcontractor Vertex who would provide them with school dinner. To manage the subcontracts effectively the administration has to regularly conference calls, regular progress reports and on site meetings at the subcontractor’s facility. This would keep the administration satisfied with the quality. It is very essential to have regular on site meetings because conference calls or progress reports may not always reveal the true programs. To ensure the management with subcontractors is good administration has to ensure that there is method for feedback on client performance. Feedback must be taken from supplier perspective as the client’s perspective on the supplier’s performance. Once a supp lier is chose and a public announcement is made the administration should work with suppliers to develop supply chain. Effective contract management is vital in ensuring the structure established in the procurement process for good supply chain management is applied over the duration of the contract. Task 4: Coaching: Coaching usually consists of One to one development discussions Coaching helps people realise both there strengths and weaknesses by giving feedback Coaching is aimed at the specific issues or areas that need to be improved. It is relatively short term activity It focuses on improving performance and developing/enhancing individuals skills. Generally more structured in nature and meetings are scheduled on a regular basis Mentoring: in progress relationship that can last for a long period of time Can be more informal and meetings can take place as and when the person being mentored needs some advice, direction or support Mentor is usually more skilled and qualified than the ‘mentee’. It is usually carried out by a more senior person in the organisation who can pass on knowledge, experience and open doors to opportunities Focus is on career and personal development Mentoring resolves more around developing the mentee professional (Brefigroup. (2011). Coaching and mentoring) Task 5: Materials management is a part of logistics and it refers to the location and movement of the physical items or products of the company. There are three main processes which are connected with materials management spare parts quality control  inventory management Materials management is important in big manufacturing and distribution environments where there are multiple parts, locations, and significant money invested in these items. The first expansion in materials management is related to spare parts. Spare parts are essential to the progressing operation of manufacture lines and related equipment. Poor management of spare parts can cause downtime and loss of production. Quality control is a huge part of materials management. The formation of material standards, examinations, and returns process is a most important responsibility of the materials management group. All parts and materials must be tested to make sure that a precise level of quality is met. This is usually completed before a purchase order is issued to the supplier, to make sure that the supplier has met the conditions of their contract. Inventory management is the correct tracking of all materials in the company’s list. The company has purchased these items from another supplier. There are three possible areas of loss that are concentrated on through useful inventory management: reduction, misplacement, and short shipments. In material management one of the common ways that is used is the ABC analysis. It is a method of categorizing items, actions, or activities according to their virtual importance. It is often used in inventory management where it is used to categorize stock items into groups based on the total annual spending of each item. Organisations can focus more detailed attention on the high value items. Bibliography: Unknown. (2011). 1-5 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN LEADERSHIP AND HUMAN BEHAVIOR. Available: Last accessed 23-06-2011. West M. (1994). Effective Teamwork; the British Psychology Society. Available: Last accessed 25-06-2011. Sims. R Ronald, Sims. J Serbrenia (1995). The importance of learning styles. USA: Greenwood press. Page 25. Brefigroup. (2011). Coaching and mentoring – whats the difference?. Available: Last accessed 26-06-2011. F. John Reh. (2011). Project Management 101 Part 2: Managing Resources People, Equipment, and Material. Available: Last accessed 21-06-2011. Tennant, Geoff (2001). SIX SIGMA: SPC and TQM in Manufacturing and Services. Gower Publishing, page 5. Massy F. William (2004). Resource Allocation in Higher Education. USA: University of Michigan. Page 4-15. F. John Reh. (2011). Project Management 101 Part 3: Managing Time and Schedule. Available: Last accessed 21-06-2011. Milliken Elizabeth. M, Honeycutt A (2004). Understanding human behaviour A guide for health care providers.. 7th ed. USA: Thomson Learning Inc. page 73-74.
Sunday, February 23, 2020
The Efficient Pollution Control Regulatory System Essay
The Efficient Pollution Control Regulatory System - Essay Example increase in price of bread as delineated in the diagram above by an increase in price of bread from P0 to P1 , this result to a new equilibrium in the market E1. (ii) Complementary goods are that usually consumed together (jointly consumed goods). In the case of Complementary goods when the demand r the price of the other good is decreased. Bread and butter are complementary goods, therefore they exhibit a cross elasticity of demand so when the price for margarine and butter is increased it result to a decrease in demand of bread causing a inward shift of the demand curve thus the quantity of bread demanded falls. PRICE D1 D0 S P2 P1 D0 D1 0 Q1 Q0 QUANTITY BREAD From the above diagram an increase in price of butter and margarine will cause shift the demand curve of bread from D0 D0 to D1 D1. This results in a decline in the amount of bread demand illustrated by a shift by the demand curve. ii) In the case of increase in the price of potatoes, rice and pasta, these could are not relat ed in any way. Therefore, they would not result in influencing an increase in the quantity of bread demand or supplied since these goods are not related in way. This can be illustrated by the diagram below. Price D0 S0 P0 S0 D0 Q0 Quantity From the above diagram, an increase in price of rice, potatoes and pasta does not in way affect the quantity of bread demand or supplied. Q2. A) A graph illustrating shortages causes by price controls. price DB DA S $4 $3 DB S DA 0 QS Q* QA QB Quantity In the above diagram when the price of a kilo of banana is $4 the quantity demanded is Q, that is where the demand is equal to the quantity supplied. When the price is fixed at $3 per kilo of banana the quantity supplied is Qs, while the quantity demanded is QA and QB for both cities A and B respectively.... When individuals fall they have to seek medical attention thus incurring huge medical bills. Therefore, pollution of storm water negative contributes to the society. The company polluting the stormwater on the other hand enjoys returns emanating from their production activities without considering the cost that they pass on to the society when pollute the environment t(Haley, 121) In addition to this pollution of storm water, depletes the amount of water available for human consumption therefore individuals have to search for other alternative sources of water which are not expensive but water becomes scarce. This represents an additional cost to the society occasioned by the production activities of the firm (Haley, 131) Therefore in order to minimize the amount of pollution of our environment the government needs to intervene so as to reduce amount emission that the firm releases to river as well as other air. The best method to caution the society from the externalities is by charging the polluting firms a standard fee that would go towards financing the affected individuals in circumstances like subsidizing their medical or treatment of the polluted water. Introduction of laws that would require firms which pollute the environment to pay. This would be essential, since firms are supposed to be in the frontline of preserving the environment, therefore, they have to pay when pollute the environment. Apart from this, the polluting company should compensate the society for the cost incurred from their production activities.
Friday, February 7, 2020
The Great Purge in the Soviet Union Research Paper
The Great Purge in the Soviet Union - Research Paper Example This essay discusses that the victims were of varied educational backgrounds as Arthur reveals in his work. Rubashov meets other inmates in solitary confinements and realizes that their drive and pattern of thoughts were little inspired by literacy. Their concerns were different, and some would not add value to the noble course that Rubashov believed. A fellow inmate desires to know about his sexual encounters, and that does not ogre well with Rubashov. The suffering and abuse underwent by these individuals are supposed to be more fruitful and shape the future of the other generations. Stalin’s regime featured many trials and was unique in the way they were conducted as they targeted leaders of the Communist Party who had serious allegations leveled against them. They were accused of responsibility for working with the fascist and liaising with capitalistic power in an attempt to have Stalin killed so that they would take power. They would be tried for other accusations regarding the desire to assassinate other Soviet leaders and possibly assume their positions. In 1938 marked the end of the great purge though there are records of committed atrocities between this period and 1953. Arrests and execution would continue until 1953. Arthur’s work would influence many as it shared some insights on the terror posed by the rivals of Stalin. The trials would have many executed and suffer in the hands of this regime. The death of intellectuals would leave the world void of the utterly needed services.
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Legal Issues in Gaming Industry Essay Example for Free
Legal Issues in Gaming Industry Essay When it comes to looking at the legal issues, we can that there are loads of them. The cause of legal issues rise when a specific games company copies other peoples work or they take what other games without permission. An example of such issue is when the Arktos Entertainment Group, who are the makers of MMO The War Z game, were found to have copied the terms of service agreement from the game, League of Legends. And as crazy this may sound, but another huge legal issue to fall upon the gaming industry when JUSTIN BIEBER filed a lawsuit against a company who develops Android Smartphones called RC3. All this hassle was because RC3 created a video game called Joustin Beaver, which parodied Justin Bieber. Another legal issue is copyright. Such incident happened between Nova Productions and Mazooma Games. The reason is because Nova sued Mazooma for copying elements from their games.. Jackpot Pool and Trick Shot. Regulatory Issues in Games. Regulatory Issues Seen as more and more games are getting violent and the no. of people who play them and commit crimes are slightly increasing, those violent video games have been rated in specific way. The first ever game to be rated this way was Mortal Kombat. It was one of the first ever games to have extreme graphic violence such, huge amounts of blood, people being ripped into half etc. The public found it so inappropriate that they rated it a Mature. It means the game is only to be purchased or played by a person who 17 or older. This is to stop anyone under that age from playing the game and having a bad influence. The ratings are as follows: In the UK the games are being rated by PEGI. The ratings are as follows: Ethical Issues in Video Games. Year after year, new games are released with even more improved visuals and game play than the previous selection of video games. But, in some games, better visuals and game play isn’t the only thing to be added into the game. The game is also loaded with ethical issues. Here are some famous video games and the ethical issues that creep in them. Resident Evil 5 – High number of racial stereotyping and abuse: In the game, there features a white male killing black enemies, who lives in a small African village. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas – Prostitution, Drug dealing, Racist stereotyping: Including an African American person as the main character and the first mission being to steal a bike. Mortal Kombat – Extreme graphic violence
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
First Paper: “The House on Mango Street†-- Literature Review
First Paper: â€Å"The House on Mango Street†In The House of Mango Street, Sandra Cisneros depicts the character of Esperanza as a coming-of-age female who dreams about having a house of her own. The house will bring for her the personal and family stability that she needs; as evidenced by the way the author uses the house to represent Esperanza’s search for what she wants to be as an artist and as a woman. This is significant because it speaks about how people may use their imagination as a means to reinvent themselves. Socially speaking, the concept of property is related to the possession of tangible and intangible things by an individual or a particular group. This idea of property brings benefits for some people: it gives the feeling of having accomplished something in their lives, along with the stability that allow individuals to develop new ideas and projects as a result of having more confidence. More important, this idea of property brings for people a sense of belonging that is a fundamental part of their success in any community. In The House of Mango Street, Sandra Cisneros starts the story with a main character who describes her family journey to a new house, the House on Mango Street. Despite describing a history of constant moving from different places that has ultimately constituted the girl’s family, the author implies in this description a sense of family unity that is based on the premise of acquiring property: â€Å"†¦we were sixâ€â€Mama, Papa, Carlos, Kiki, my sister Nenny and me (†¦) The house on Mango Street is ours, and we don’t have to pay rent to anybody†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (p. 3). However, when what people accomplish in their lives do not meet their expectations, frustration and disappointment may come alone. This is Esperanza... ...that defines her personality in terms of who she is away from her family heritage. Rather than assuming a name simply because it was given at birth, Esperanza is looking to create her own history away from her parents and her sister; consequently, changing her name will be for Esperanza a very important part of her process toward finding an identity. â€Å"In English my name means hope. In Spanish it means too many letters. It means sadness, it means waiting.†For the first time, Esperanza mentions her name, but she implies a negative connotation in it. Her complaint about having a name with so many letters might express her discomfort when trying to be part of a community, because her name has a longer, harder and foreign pronunciation in comparison to the names of her siblings: Carlos, Kiki and Nenny, which are more suitable into the sounds of the English language.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Learning Healthcare Organizations Essay
There are two healthcare organizations that I will be discussing that have transformational change to promote/create learning organization. One is the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the other one is International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). CDC is a federal agency under the Department of Health and Human Services that focuses national attention on developing and applying disease control and prevention. CDC collaborates to create the expertise, information, and tools that people and communities need to protect their health through health promotion, prevention of disease, injury and disability and preparedness for new health treats. Stakeholders at CDC are people invested in the program that are interested in the results of the evaluation, and/or with a stake in what will be done with the results of the evaluation. Representing their needs and interests throughout the process is fundamental to good program evaluation. Those involved in program operations are the management, program staff, partners, funding agencies and coalition members. Those served or affected by the program are patients or clients, advocacy group, community members, and elected official. And lastly, those who are intended users of the evaluation findings are persons in a position to make decisions about the program, such as partners, funding agencies, coalition members, and the general public or taxpayers. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) continues its long standing dedication to improving the health and wellness of all Americans with the Community Transformation Grant (CTG) program. The CTG program is funded by the Affordable Care Act’s Prevention and Public Health Fund and awarded $103 million to 61 states and local government agencies, tribes, and territories, and nonprofit organizations in 36 states, along with nearly $4 million to 6 national networks of community-based organizations. Focusing on priorities for change for healthier living is improving health and wellness on tobacco-free living, active living and healthy eating, and high impact quality clinical and other preventive services to prevent and control high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Also, focusing on disease prevention and health promotion that includes social and emotional wellness and healthy and safe physical environments, which facilitate the early identification of mental health needs and access to quality services. Specific community interventions includes; promotes healthy eating by supporting local farmers and developing small grocery stores where people live, protecting people from secondhand smoke exposure, improving community environments to make it safe and easy for people to walk and ride bikes. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) is part of the World Health Organization. It coordinates and conducts both epidemiological and laboratory research into the causes of human cancer. IARC main objectives are; to monitor global cancer occurrence, identify the causes of cancer, elucidate the mechanism of carcinogenesis, and develop scientific strategies for cancer control. On February 3, 2014, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) released World Cancer Report 2014, a collaboration of over 250 leading scientist from more than 40 countries, describing multiple aspects of cancer research and control. The report says about half of all cancers could be avoided if current knowledge was adequately implemented. The stakeholders are the scientist’s that has been researching for the cure of different types of cancer; patient’s that are suffering and waiting for the cure, and the leadership of the World Health organization that implements the research. The IARC activities are mainly funded by the regular budget contributions paid by its participating states. The regular budget for the 2014-2015 biennium was approved in May 2013 at a level of 40 424 491 EUR. Recent changes in the epidemiology of head and neck cancer has new findings. Overall, the incidence of head and neck cancer is increasing in women, whereas it is decreasing in men. Chewing tobacco is a newly recognized risk factor of great public health concern. The role of tobacco smoking and alcohol as the source of cancer has been reinforced. Head and neck cancer among women in developing countries should deserve more attention, as the mortality rates appears to be higher than those of women in developed countries. For never smokers and never drinkers, more research needs to be done to identify their risk factor patterns. While it is true that advances is medical science have led to continued improvements in medical care and health outcomes, the effectiveness of management options remains inadequate for informed medical care and health policy decision making. Frequently, the result is below an optimal level or standard and inefficient care as well as unsustainable cost. In order to maintain quality of care and cost containment, evidence of comparative clinical and cost effectiveness is necessary for healthcare organization. Examples of healthcare organization that I previously discussed have the institutional lessons learned from the process that is learn along the way. As Feinstein said â€Å"a strategic plan is not worth the paper it is printed on unless its underlying vision is embedded in the organization’s culture, (Feinstein W.L. The Institutional Change Process). The most essential element of organizational change is the alignment of all relevant stakeholders to the new directions. The following are critical to achieving momentum and the successful implementation of a vision for change such as: updating the executive’s leadership style, increasing staff involvement in achieving organizational plans, helping the board understand the scope of the change, and strengthening the agency-federation relationship. Enthusiasm, persistenc e, and commitment for change by the leadership are key. References Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2009). Prevention and control of seasonal influenza with vaccines. Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), 2009. MMWR Early release, 58(Early release), 1-54. Chang, S., & Collie, C. L. (2009). The future of cancer prevention: will our workforce be ready? Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention, 18(9), 2348-2351. Feinstein, W. L. The Institutional Change Process: Lessons Learned Along the Way. Journal of Jewish Communal Service. Jewish Communal Service Association of North America (JCSA), 1999. James, J. (2009). Health Organizations Theory, Behavior, and Development: 273 Saudbery Jones and Bartlett Publishers. Oreg, Shaul; Berson, Yair. Personnel Psychology. Autumn2011, Vol. 64 Issue 3, p627-659. 33p. 1 Diagram, 2 Charts, 1 Graph. DOI: 10.1111/j.1744-6570.2011.01221.x. , Database: Business Source Elite Weiner, B. J. (2009). A theory of organizational readiness for change. Implement Sci, 4(1), 67.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
The Financial Crisis Of 2007 / 2008 Essay - 808 Words
The financial crisis of 2007/2008 had a negative impact on the UK economy, resulting in low growth and high level of unemployment while inflation constantly remained above the 2% target. In those extraordinary circumstances focus of monetary policy had to be on growth rather than reaching inflation target, resulting in gradual reduction of the Bank rate from 5.75% in middle of 2007 to its lowest level of 0.5% in the beginning of 2009 (BoE, 2014). Although, a low interest rate led to significant depreciation of sterling, a tightening policy at that time would be a major mistake, that could lead to deflation and depression, rather than recovery and inflation around target (Fisher, 2014). Despite any effort pursued by monetary policy there was not only sign of the economic recovery. Moreover, the conditions deteriorated, with negative GDP figure, high level of unemployment and inflation rate remained above the target the economy was in recession. The conventional measures used by the MP C to stimulate economic growth proved to be inefficient, and the risk to fall into triple-dip recession remained. In order to provide additional stimulus into economy, the Bank had to make a decision on implementing unconventional measures. In January 2009, the Bank set up an Asset Purchase Facility to buy high-quality assets with the aim to improve liquidity and credit condition. The MPC purchased  £200 billion of financial assets during period between March and November 2009. Although GDP figureShow MoreRelatedThe Financial Crisis Of 2007-20081389 Words  | 6 PagesOne of the most devastating aspects of the financial crisis of 2007-2008 to middle-class America was the crash of the housing market. Millions of Americans were affected and faced foreclosures on homes that were purchased with subprime mortgages. The impact of these mortgages varied state to state. Nevada, one of the countries leading tourist destinations, led the market in foreclosure rates and housing appraisal drops. The government s false sense of security in regards to the economy and theRead More2007-2008 Financial Crisis1327 Words  | 6 PagesThe Global Financial Crisis of 2007-2008 The Global Financial Crisis 2007-2008 Economists and scholars spend years dissecting financial markets and evaluating the causes of booms and busts. Throughout United States history there have been multiple economic booms that were underestimated and followed by recessions. In the situation of the 2007-2008 global financial crisis many culprits have been identified as causes, such as loose monetary policy, credit booms, deregulation, over complexity,Read MoreThe Financial Crisis Of 2007-2008994 Words  | 4 Pages The subprime financial crisis of 2007-2008 was brought on by much more than unethical traders. It consisted of multiple variables: the deterioration in financial institutions’ balance sheets, asset price decline, increase in interest rates, and an increase in market ambiguity. This in turn led to the worsening of the adverse selection and moral hazard situation in the market, which led to a decline in economic activity, bringing forth the banking crisis. After the banking crisis, an unanticipatedRead MoreThe Financial Crisis Of 2007-20081419 Words  | 6 Pagesthe recent credit crunch. The financial crisis of 2007–2008, also known as the Global Financial Crisis and 2008 financial crisis, is considered by some economists such as Nouriel Roubini, professor of economics and international business at New York University, Kenneth Rogoff, professor of economics and public policy at Harvard University, and Nariman Behravesh, chief economist and executive vice president for IHS Global Insight, to have been the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression ofRead MoreThe Financial Crisis of 2007-2008541 Words  | 2 PagesThe financial crisis of 2007-2008 had more sounding effects on financial institutions even greater than the crisis brought about by the stocks downfall in the 1990’s. The reason for this is that the financial institutions were at the centre of the whole crisis. And financial institutions being one of the key pillars in a country’s economy, the crisis was bound to have a big effect in US as a whole. So, in order to understand wha t rely happened, it is wise to go through the paper written by NicholasRead MoreThe Financial Crisis Of 2007-2008928 Words  | 4 PagesDefine: Introduction The Financial Crisis of 2007-2008 was considered to be the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression in the decade preceding World War II. The Global Financial Crisis threatened large range of the financial organizations. Although the central banks and other banks were trying to keep away from the crisis, the stock market still suffered a huge decline internationally. Other than the global stock market, the house market was also influenced greatly, causing the unemploymentRead MoreThe Financial Crisis Of 2007 / 20081914 Words  | 8 PagesThe financial crisis of 2007/2008 had a negative impact on the UK economy, resulting in low growth and high level of unemployment while inflation constantly remained above the 2% target. In those extraordinary circumstances focus of monetary policy had to be on growth rather than reaching inflation target, resulting in gradual reduction of the Bank rate from 5.75% in middle of 2007 to its lowest level of 0.5% in the beginning of 2009 (BoE , 2014). Although, a low interest rate led to significant depreciationRead MoreThe Financial Crisis Of 2007-2008 Essay2367 Words  | 10 PagesWhen discussing the financial crisis of 2007-2008, it is incredibly important to discuss the relevance of the government bailout and organized sale of Bear Stearns. There is a large amount of discussion behind whether or not Bear Stearns, a large investment based financial institution, should have been bailed out by the US government. The decision to bail out and have a government-orchestrated sale of Bear Stearns was an incredibly complicated situation to discuss and there are parts of which cannotRead MoreThe Global Financial Crisis Of 2007-20081123 Words  | 5 PagesThe Global Financial Crisis of 2007-2008 is the worst financial crisis since the 1930’s The Great Depression (Reuters, 2009). Even if bailouts of banks by national governments prevented the collapse of major financial institutions, worldwide stock markets continue d to drop. Evictions and foreclosures overwhelmed the housing market while severed unemployment embraced the labor market (Baily and Elliot, 2009). This global financial crisis was responsible for the decline in the consumers’ wealth, andRead MoreEffects Of The Financial Crisis Of 2007-20081763 Words  | 8 PagesFinancial crisis of 2007-2008 is widely considered to be the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression of 1930s. The origin of this big storm dated back to the high home prices of the United States. After America’s entire investment banking system was attacked, many industries such as auto industry also went bankrupt. Unfortunately, it spread quickly to the whole world, causing huge damages to the global economy. Therefore, my study will focus on the effects of the financial crisis of 2007-2008
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